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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.19a r4461

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


Es hat sich massig viel getan. Werft am besten selbst einen Blick in den Changelog 😉

 - wszst CHECK: Check existence of minimap bones 'posLD' and 'posRU'.
   Read http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/check#desc for a list of all tests.

 - Check commands: KMP objects with presence flag == 0 will be handled as
   non existent. This changes the missing files status and the slot proposals.

 - KCL type names synchchronized to Wiki.

 - Bug fix: If a function was searched and a const was defined with the same
   name, a `segmentation fault| (or similar) occured.

 - New command: wkmpt STARTPOS: Print the start positions of players in
   various formats. See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wkmpt/startpos for details.

 - Patching option --kmp accepts now the keywords LEFT, RIGHT, WIDE and NARROW
   to modify the start options in section STGI.

 - New global option --de: Use german track and arena names.

 - Command FILETYPE --long: Column with version of file format added.

 - wszst EXTRACT/CREATE: The version number of the archive file format is
   stored in and read from the help file 'wszst-setup.txt' to support version
   dependent file formats.

    - Version numbers are printed in listings with version support.
    - The file format version number is written to 'wszst-setup.txt' on
      extracting and read from read from 'wszst-setup.txt' on creating.
    - The default aligning for BREFT files depends now on the version number.
      It is 0x20 for versions 9 (NSMB=11).
      At the moment the new alignment for NSMB is not well tested!

via szs.wiimm.de

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