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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.58a r7499

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


- Option --kcl-min=EXPR: This option is deprecated, but still supported. Itis an alternative name for --tri-height=EXPR now.
- New option --tri-area=EXPR: Define the minimal area size of KCL triangles.The intention is to ignore triangles that are generally to small. EXPR isa floating point number or expression. Triangles are invalidated if theirarea size is smaller than EXPR. The test is executed after reading files,after transformations, and after calculating normals and lengths. Valuesbetween 0.01 and 4.0 are recommended. The careful value 1.0 is used asdefault. Value 0 disables this filter functionality.
- New option --tri-height=EXPR: Define the minimal height of KCL triangles.The intention is to ignore deformed triangles (very slim, but long). EXPRis a floating point number or expression. Triangles are invalidated if atleast 1 of the 3 heights is smaller than EXPR. The test is executed afterreading files, after transformations, and after calculating normals andlengths. Values between 0.01 and 2.0 are recommended. The careful value 0.1is used as default. Value 0 disables this filter functionality.
- You can proof the impact of the options above by command wkclt TEST.
- Command wkclt DUMP has been expanded and shows metrics like side length,area size and heights for each triangle.
- New command: wkclt LIST: Print a list of all triangles with metrics inhuman and machine readable text format. It is like command DUMP, butreduced to the list of triangles.
- New implementation for OBJ groups without assigned KCL flag. They will beinserted into the OBJ export now.
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