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Atmosphère v0.9.3

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


Custom Firmware für die Nintendo Switch.

Atmosphère bootet jetzt schneller, dank mehrerer Optimierungen durch Hexkyz und der Reduzierung der Wartezeit für den Bootsplash. Der Versionsstring in den Systemeinstellungen zeigt nun außerdem auch an, ob der User einen EmuNAND verwendet und beim Start werden automatisch die BIS-Keys gedumpt, die für einen Unbrick notwendig sind, besonders auf gepatchten Konsolen.

Die "system_settings.ini" wurde angepasst und erlaubt es nun die Speichernutzung des Homebrew Menus im Applet-Modus festzulegen. Per Standard ist dieser Wert schon so eingestellt, dass sich die Software-Tastatur ohne Abstürze starten lässt (dies behebt die Abstürze, die immer auftraten, wenn während eines Spiels das Homebrew Menu über das Album gestartet und in einer Homebrew (bspw. EdiZon) die Software-Tastatur aufgerufen wurde). Vergesst nicht, eure INI anzupassen!

Wie immer wurden auch wieder einige Fehler behoben.


* Thanks to hexkyz, fusee's boot sequence has been greatly optimized.
* * Memory training is now managed by a separate binary (fusee-mtc, loaded by fusee-primary before fusee-secondary).
* * Unnecessarily long splash screen display times were reduced.
* * The end result is that Atmosphere now boots significantly faster. :)
* * Note: This means fusee-primary must be updated for Atmosphere to boot successfully.
* The version string was adjusted, and now informs users whether or not they are using emummc.
* Atmosphere now automatically backs up the user's BIS keys on boot.
* * This should prevent a user from corrupting nand without access to a copy of the keys needed to fix it.
* * * This is especially relevant on ipatched units, where the RCM vulnerability is not an option for addressing bricks.
* The pm system module was rewritten as part of Stratosphere's ongoing refactor.
* * Support was added for forward-declaring a mitm'd service before a custom user sysmodule is launched.
* * * This should help resolve dependency issues with service registration times.
* * SM is now informed of every process's title id, including built-in system modules.
* The creport system module was rewritten as part of Stratosphere's ongoing refactor.
* * creport now dumps up to 0x100 of stack from each thread in the target process.
* * A few bugs were fixed, including one that caused creport to incorrectly dump process dying messages.
* Defaults were added to system_settings.ini for controlling hbloader's memory usage in applet mode.
* * These defaults reserve enough memory so that homebrew can launch swkbd while in applet mode.
* The fatal system module was rewritten as part of Stratosphere's ongoing refactor.
* * Incorrect display output ("2000-0000") has been fixed. Fatal will now correctly show 2162-0002 when this occurs.
* * A longstanding bug in how fatal manages the displays has been fixed, and official display init behavior is now matched precisely.
* General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

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