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Atmosphère v1.5.3 unterstützt die Firmware 16.0.3

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


Custom Firmware für die Nintendo Switch.


Signatur-Patches für Custom Firmware zur Installation von unsignierten NSPs und konvertierten XCIs.

Dieses Update unterstützt die neue Switch-Firmware 16.0.3. Da durch ein GCC-Update die Malloc-Overhead-Größe angestiegen ist, greift der Fix für Fire Emblem: Engage aus dem letzten Update nicht mehr, was bedeutet, dass mit dieser Version LayeredFS-Mods das Spiel zum Abstürzen bringen werden. Eine hoffentlich permanente Lösung ist aber schon in Arbeit.


* Support was added for 16.0.3.
* Atmosphère was updated to use GCC 13/newlib (latest devkitA64/devkitARM releases).
** Please note: This introduces a known issue, which is currently being worked on.
*** As you may recall from the 1.4.1 changelog, Fire Emblem: Engage requires enormous amounts of memory to support using layeredfs mods with the game.
*** Latest GCC/newlib slightly increases malloc overhead size, which makes the previous memory increase insufficient.
*** A general-case solution to this is in the works, which should hopefully fix the problem in a way that doesn't jinx me for the future.
* A number of minor issues were fixed and improvements were made, including:
** An issue was fixed that caused system font replacement to not work on 16.0.0+.
** An minor accuracy issue was addressed in mesosphere's management of certain memory ranges; this issue would have had zero visible impact to the end-user.
* General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

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