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Checkpoint Switch v3.3.0

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,

BernardoGiordano hat der Switch-Version von Checkpoint ein Update spendiert.


Die ganze Oberfläche wurde überarbeitet. Titel werden nun mit Icons und pro User angezeigt. Auch sind jetzt detaillierte Infos sichtbar, Animationen wurden hinzugefügt und Memory-Leaks behoben.

* General Checkpoint improvements to enhance the user's experience.
* The whole UI has been completely redesigned. This affects many things in the user experience.
* * Titles are now displayed by icons. You can display up to 20 titles at the same time. If you have more , you'll find them in the next pages.
* * Saves for the users are now listed separately and sorted for user.
* * You can change the selected title or the current user by using the dedicated buttons or using the touchscreen.
* * Detailed informations are now displayed on screen.
* * Space has been really optimized to be fully occupied with useful informations.
* * Selector animations. You all love them right?
* Memory leaks related to the title icons have been fixed. Also, icons are now stored more efficiently to take less space and reduce the initial loading time.
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