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DMLizard v3.0

Wii, Wii: Update

eN-t hat DMLizard aktualisiert! Es hat sich wieder sehr viel getan!


Version 2 User bekommen das Update automatisch!

UPDATE: Da der Artikel stark an Popularität gewonnen hat, wurde er aktualisiert. DMLizard wurde eingestellt – mehr auf der Download-Seite!

UPDATE2: DMLizard ist zurück!



  • improved overall user experiece: speed (especially startup), look, and reliability
  • restructured the main menu by adding and merging some points
  • improved existing points:
    • Wizard:
      • the wizard’s a little more like a tutorial now
      • added the ability to always skip a step or return to main menu
      • added one step at the beginning: "Format homebrew drive" (more info below)
    • DIOS MIOS and DIOS MIOS Lite download:
      • added a description on what they are used for (SD or USB)
      • if you already downloaded it and the verification succeeded, DMLizard will not redownload it
    • WAD manager download:
      • you can now download YAWMM or WAD Manager
      • there is a short list showing advantages of both apps
    • Disc dumper download:
      • you can now download CleanRip or SuperDump
      • there is a short list showing advantages of both apps
    • USB backup loader download:
      • you can now downloadfive USB backup loaders
      • cfg USB Loader mod, USB Loader GX, WiiFlow mod, DM Booter, NeoGamma
    • Game optimization:
      • you can choose between GCReEx and DiscEx
      • added a real batch mode: drag’n’drop one file at a time into DMLizard window to add it to the batch
      • output folder is now name "GameName [GameID]" under "games"
      • automatic fallback if GCReEx or DiscEx is not supported: from "GCReEx -x" to "DiscEx -c" to "DiscEx"
    • Savegame conversion:
      • added a real batch mode: drag’n’drop one file at a time into DMLizard window to add it to the batch
      • output folder is now name "GameName [GameID]" under "saves"
    • Copy files to homebrew drive
      • now shows all FAT32 drives to choose from
      • copies only the files from "copy-to-sd" which are a) not on the drive yet, b) newer than on the drive and c) not already copied to the drive
      • moves all copied files to "copied-to-sd" folder after copying them to your drive
  • added some new points:
    • Format a drive:
      • let’s you choose to format a drive
      • let’s you choose either to format it for use with DIOS MIOS or with DIOS MIOS Lite
      • when you choose DM, the drive will be formatted to "Format: FAT32, Clustersize: 32KB (automatic fallback to highest possible value), Name: WII"
      • when you choose DML, the drive will be formatted to "Format: FAT32, Clustersize: 64KB (automatic fallback to highest possible value), Name: WII"
    • Create a DML wad using an ELF file:
      • let’s you drag’n’drop an ELF file into DMLizard to create a WAD file from it
      • you can also enter which revision you are converting
    • Search for a new version of DM or DML
      • automatically searches for a new version of DM or DML and downloads the new WAD if there is one
      • there is no download of the BC and MIOS and no verification (just to mention)
    • Patch a game’s "main.dol" using an IPS file
      • let’s you drag’n’drop an IPS file and the "main.dol" of a game to apply the IPS patch
      • backs up your "main.dol" to "main.dol.bak" before applying the patch
      • this feature is untested, though (just to mention)
    • Enable drag’n’drop feature
      • let’s you choose to fix some registry values if drag’n’drop does not work for you
      • there is a safe mode which only makes little changes but may have no effect
      • and there is a mode which applies 5 changes and should definitely work – but be careful with that and ONLY USE if drag’n’drop really does not work!

Quelle: update: nicht mehr vorhanden

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