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Goldleaf v0.9 mit USB-Support und 11.0.0-/11.0.1-Unterstützung

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,

Da es immer wieder Probleme mit Goldleaf gab, empfehlen wir, DBI oder den AtmoXL Titel Installer zu verwenden.

Nach einer Pause von mehr als einem Jahr unterstützt Goldleaf endlich die Firmware 11.0.0 und 11.0.1. Außerdem lassen sich Speicherdaten durchsuchen und Firmware-Pakete installieren (wobei Daybreak von Atmosphère hier eher empfohlen wird). Der emuiibo-Manager wurde entfernt und Dateiendungen mit beliebiger Groß- und Kleinschreibungen werden korrekt erkannt. Neu ist auch endlich der USB-Support – FAT32, exFAT und NTFS werden unterstützt.

Das Zurücksetzten der Spiele-Version (wenn ein Spiele-Update gelöscht wurde) funktioniert nun tatsächlich und das Farbschema wird zufällig durchgewechselt. Wie immer wurden auch zahlreiche Fehler behoben.


* Simplified directory deleting logic for both Goldleaf and Quark, making everything less slower (thanks @pheki)

* Introducing savedata browsing! select a game from the game manager menu, and mount it's savedata. Note that, if you forget to unmount them manually, they will be automatically unmounted when Goldleaf is exited
* Support for firmware installing, via Atmosphere's ams:su service extension!
* Now fatal crashes are avoided, and Goldleaf will just display an error message via the console's error applet, and save its own report with information about the crash/error.
* Simplified and cleaned a lot of internal code, hopefully making everything more stable
* Updated libnx and Plutonium - this implies support for previously unsupported special text (Japanese and Chinese characters, etc.) with last Plutonium
* Removed emuiibo manager - emuiibo's overlay is now the optimal and recommended manager for emuiibo
* Amiibo dumping support was updated to match emuiibo's format
* Non-lowercase file extensions (.TXT, .biN, .Nsp, etc.) are now properly supported
* Fixed resetting a title's launch version, which wasn't properly implemented on previous releases
* Now dumped firmware will be compatible with Atmosphere's Daybreak firmware tool, deprecating Choi support (as Daybreak is a better and safer alternative)
* Removed support for dumping firmware as NSP packages, as no relevent firmware tool makes use of that format
* Reboot-to-payload functionality (which can be used with .bin files) has been internally improved with Atmosphere's bpc:ams extensions
* rainbow Random color schemes/pallets are used by default now, instead of default light/dark blue schemes
* Fixed a small bug where no personalized tickets would be detected if no common tickets were present in the console
* Introducing USB drive support, thanks to me and DarkMatterCore's new project: libusbhsfs, a library to include USB drive support in your homebrew projects!
* * Both FAT (including exFAT) and NTFS filesystems are supported ;)
* Other minor code improvements or small bug fixes

* Several improvements related to various small errors
* From now on, two different builds will be compiled/released: one for Java 8 and one for Java 9 or higher, in order to avoid version issues

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