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hekate v6.0.7 mit Nyx v1.5.6

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


hekate ist ein hübscher Bootloader und Firmware-Patcher, der u.a. NAND-Backups und einen EmuMMC erstellen kann.

Die neue Firmware 17.0.0 wird jetzt unterstützt, auch im EmuMMC.

hekate v6.0.7 changes
* HOS 17.0.0 support
* Optimized HOS INI1 packaging when it can fit inside the kernel region.
* L4T: Allow undervolting of RAM for stock frequencies
* L4T: Corrected some timings for Arachne that were higher than they should have

emuMMC Changes
* HOS 17.0.0 support
* As always based on https://github.com/m4xw/emuMMC

Nyx v1.5.6 changes
* HOS 17.0.0 support
* K4U6E3S4AB-MGCL dram was validated via photo and now is properly named in info
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