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ModMii v7.0.3

Wii, Wii: Update ,


ModMii ist ein PC-Tool, welches Schritt-für-Schritt durch den Modding-Prozess der Wii leitet. Außerdem lassen sich damit kinderleicht USB-Loader und SNEEK einrichten.

Dies ist das letzte Update, welches 32-Bit-Windows und Windows 8 und älter unterstützt, bevor das nächste große Update veröffentlicht wird. Einige Download-Links wurden korrigiert, wobei diese Probleme zum größten Teil bereits vorher durch ein automatisches Update behoben wurden. Zudem wurde ein Bug beim Erstellen eines Themes behoben, wenn eine MYM oder CSM in das Fenster gezogen wurde und der Pfad eine gerade Anzahl an Ordnern beinhaltete.


* This is likely the last ModMii update that will fully support 32-bit windows or Windows 8 and older. This is a small bug-fix only update so that users unable to use the next BIG update will have something more stable to fall back on.
* Reverted the server used by NusFileGrabber back to NUS from RC24's redirect to resolve downloads impacting building themes or sneek.
* Updated sourceforge download links to resolve "Some files required for neek installation are missing" issue.
* Fixed bug in mym and csm drag and drop theme building operations if the path contained an even number of folders.
* Fixed bug where Photo-Channel-1.0-NUS-v2 was not being listed in the Install WADs step of guides for Korean region Wiis.
* Fixed harmless "Get-Disk.vbs not found" bug which only impacted ModMii Skin users. This message was safe to ignore as it only indicated that it was unable to detect the format details of connected drives to include in guides saving users the trouble of having to manually check.
* Updated broken download links for Bootmii SD files, WiiMC-SS and Customize Mii. Even before this release these issues were being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.
* Updated download link for USB Loader GX as the oscwii.org package has problems (for now) with its bundled meta.xml. Even before this release this issue was being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.
* Updated Wiimmfi DNS IP. Even before this release this issue was being automatically repaired when ModMii checked for updates.
* Stay tuned; I promise the next update will be more exciting!

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