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NDS-Bootstrap Loader v0.3.0 -> v0.3.1

3DS, 3DS: Update , ,

Ahezard hat seinen NDS-Bootstrap Loader aktualisiert.


UPDATE: v0.3.1 ist da und verbessert die Kompatibilität. Electroplankton, Ridge Racer, Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow, Super Princess Peach und Pokémon Link funktionieren jetzt. Die Option "Lock ARM9 SCFG_EXT" muss deaktiviert sein!

Gegenüber der letzten Beta-Version hat sich nicht viel verändert. Lediglich drei neue Optionen wurden hinzugefügt, die in der INI-Datei gesetzt werden können – näheres dazu im Changelog.


This release brings better compatibility by adding a dma card read patch : elektroplankton, ridge racer, Castlevania Dawn of sorrow, super princess peach, Pokemon Trozei confimed to work (and probably others but some early released game like Metroid Prime Hunters still white screen )

- Important : Lock ARM9 SCFG_EXT option have to be disabled.

- ARM7_DONOR_PATH : no more MaxCrass method (manual arm7 swapping is needed). Set this option to a valid rom path (I recommand mario kart ds rom) and the arm7 binary will be swapped in case the normal save patch does not works on the rom you want to launch
- PATCH_MPU_REGION can be equals to 0 (default) , 1 , 2 or 3. This is for advanced users does not touch it unless you are advised to do it. The other values may works and may bring slightly better or worse speed depending of the game but the best compatibility is achieved with the default value : region 0
- PATCH_MPU_REGION can be equals to 0, 1 or a specific size. Same as above this is for advanced users does not touch it unless you are advised to do it. Here is the description of what the values does : 0 (default) => only ctr0 is patched, 1 (crt0 + all the arm9 binary mpu reconfiguration method are patched), specific size (crt0 + all the arm9 binary mpu reconfiguration method in the specific ram size are patched)
Important : Lock ARM9 SCFG_EXT option have to be disabled.

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