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NDS-Bootstrap v0.9.0 RC2

3DS, 3DS: Update , ,

Robz8 hat den zweiten Release-Kandidaten für NDS-Bootstrap v0.9.0 veröffentlicht.


Kartengeschwindigkeit für jedes Spiel wird jetzt endlich erreicht! Außerdem sollte der Sound nicht mehr hängen und einige SDK3-Spiele speichern nun auf die SD-Karte (New Super Mario Bros., Lunar Knights, Sonic Rush Adventure, etc.). Zudem wurde die Kompatibilität mit "Spider-Man: Freund oder Feind" und Dragon Quest IX gefixt.


v0.9.0 RC2:
Bug fixes
* The issue where save data is read corrupt, and that it would get wiped out, is fixed.
* Save data is now cached into RAM, and the game now reads from the cached save data.
* Fixed compatibility with Spider Man: Friend or Foe, and Dragon Quest IX.

v0.9.0 RC1:
What's new?
* Cart speeds finally achieved for every game, thanks to @ahezard!
* This is achieved via FAT table caching and NDMA.
* Should work on SD cards with any cluster size. Some chinese cards may have low performance, though.
* In addition, async prefetching is removed, but this is not bad, as the games will still load at cart speed!
* Sound also does not pause/stutter while loading from SD, thanks to hooking into the halt SWI call branch, instead of vBlank/FIFO IRQs.
* Save redirection to SD returns to some SDK3 games! (e.g. New Super Mario Bros., Lunar Knights, Sonic Rush Adventure, etc.).
* DSi and 3DS versions have merged into one build!

Bug fixes
* You can now return to DSiMenu++ on both DSi and 3DS, by holding L+R+DOWN+B for 2 seconds.
* Sound should now work properly on all games on DSi/3DS running DSiWarehax.

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