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NS-USBloader v7.0

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,


USB-Installation von NSPs über Goldleaf.

Ab jetzt muss Java 11 installiert sein; zudem wurden eine Version für Macs mit Apple-Chip und ein "All-in-One" Windows-Installer hinzugefügt. Auch lassen sich mit dem Programm nun gesplittete NSP/XCI/NSZ/XCZ installieren, was allerdings nicht getestet wurde.

* First things first. @kuragehimekurara1 translated this application to Japanese and Ryukyuan languages! Thank you!
* Build setup updated to generate sources for Java 11. This means, that now in linux and mac you have to install JDK11 or higher.
* macOS M1 users, there is a ns-usbloader-7.0-m1.jar built for you! Works with any JDK, so no need to search and install something special. I've tested it with Oracle JDK 19. It was Java SE Development Kit 19.0.2 'Arm 64 DMG Installer'
* Windows users now receives Installer-7.0.exe which installs all necessary dependenies at once! In other words you don't have to download and install JRE from java.com. Application (jar) wrapped into exe file and bundled with java runtime. It was 'taken' from OpenJDK 19.0.2.
* Since this release you are also will be able to install 'Split NSP/XCI/NSZ/XCZ', not only 'NSP'. This silly limitation removed. To be honest, I didn't test it. Guess it's should be fine ;)
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