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NX-Shell v1.05

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


NX-Shell ist ein Dateimanager für die Nintendo Switch und eine Portierung von 3DShell.

Hierbei handelt es sich um die erste stabile Version von NX-Shell! Aus diesem Grund sollte der "/switch/NX-Shell/" Ordner vor einem Update gelöscht werden.

NX-Shell nutzt jetzt Hardwarebeschleunigung zum Zeichnen der Oberfläche; außerdem werden veraltete Config-Dateien automatisch gelöscht. Des Weiteren werden die Rechte einer Datei angezeigt und andere User-Partitionen lassen sich durchsuchen. Die Dateiliste lässt sich neu laden und eine neue Datei erstellen, außerdem kann (wenn die Developer Optionen aktiviert sind) das Archiv-Bit gesetzt werden. Zu guter Letzt wurde die Steuerung für den Book-Reader verbessert und einige Fehler behoben.


* Make use of the GPU hardware acceleration.
* Switch to internal FS functions to display directory list.
* Added config version to config files - If a new version is found where the config file needs to be changed, it will automatically be deleted and regenerated.
* Replaced the executable icon with something more dark theme friendly.
* Local time is now supported.
* Displays file permissions in properties.
* Display storage bar for current mounted device. (some devices/mount points don't have this)
* Allow user to browse other user partitions from menu bar. (Very little can be done at this time, since it seems FS functions are locked out of using them).
* Lock applet during write/cut/copy/delete processes.
* Added a "More..." button in file options.
* * Added a "Refresh" button refresh directory list.
* * Added a "New file" button to create an empty file.
* * Added a button to set archive bit on checked directories or currently highlighted/selected directories. - This
* * feature is a work in progress. Don't use this with any important directories unless you know what you're
* * doing. This feature can only be accessed if "Developer options" is enabled.
* Added a new options in Settings called "Developer options". If this toggle is set, any FS function that fails to execute properly will be logged in a file called debug.log, which can be found in /switch/NX-Shell/debug.log.
* Wrap CWD display if it gets too long.
* Improve book reader controls in landscape mode (Right stick right/left should zoom in/out in landscape mode)

* Fix last saved directories not properly being read due to having spaces in their names.
* Fix automatic scroll when selecting a checkbox.
* Fix exit key (PLUS) in music player, image viewer and settings.
* Book reader no longer displays status bar after every page. Only displayed during zooming or if screen is touched in the middle or outside touch area depending on the orientation.
* Many under the hood changes.

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