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NX-Shell v3.2.0

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


NX-Shell ist ein Dateimanager für die Nintendo Switch und eine Portierung von 3DShell.

Neben dem Entpacken von ZIP-Archiven lassen sich die Informationen von Bilddateien betrachten und Logging aktivieren. Einige Abstürze und kleinere Fehler wurden auch plattgemacht; so lassen sich nun alle BMP-Dateien fehlerfrei anzeigen.

* Added support for extracting .ZIP archives.
* Fixed crashes when trying to exit the application after opening an image.
* Now uses Use libnsbmp to decode BMP files. (This fixes issues loading certain BMP files).
* Disabled window padding when displaying images so that the full screen images (1280x720) aren't bound to a scroll bar.
* Added a popup for viewing image properties such as filename, width and height. (Use the 'X' button to open this popup after opening an image).
* Added an option under settings to toggle filename display when viewing images.
* Added an option under settings to toggle logs. (Any failed FS functions will be logged if this option is enabled. Useful for debugging purposes). A restart of the application is required if this is enabled/disabled.
* Initial implementation of a text reader for reading logs/configs (eventually to evolve into to an editor).
* Many other under the hood changes/cleanups and consistency changes.
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