stfour hat den PostLoader (mal wieder) aktualisiert.
postLoader 3.65.0
* dml: added cache… no more wait time. Cache, as usual, must be rebuilt manually (or automatically when install a game from usb to sd or remove a game)
* dml: added an option to remove a game from sd (press [B] on the game)
* dml: some little optimization on ui when searching for games
* priibooterGUI 1.0b: added different way to call HBC
postLoader 3.64.0
* wbfs scanner: again more checking
* neekbooter 1.2: there is an error on neekbooter 1.1. I forgot to delete ’nandpath.bin' on return to menu'.
postLoader 3.63.4
* wbfs scanner: incremented buffer size.
* dml: crosscheck is done only one time per session.
postLoader 3.63.3
* dml: mp3 music is stopped before starting copy a game from usb to sd
* dml: cross checking between sd and usb games fixed.
* wbfs scanner: added some more checking
* wbfs scanner: should be able to keep debug on sd on
postLoader 3.63.2
* Again it seems that mp3 playback can hang postloader in some situations. Added a semaphore for cover cache thread.
postLoader 3.63.1
* neekbooter 1.1: when channel from real nand is executed via neek2o, on "return to menu", /sneek folder return to it’s original state and wii rebooted
* added a new download site for covers
postLoader 3.63.0
* Much better page transition
* Play count should be recorderd now also for dml
* Go To Page works again
* fixed: If your last page is completely full, there will be an empty one created too.
* Much more reliable cover cache system
* Now pl uses nandpath.bin instead of recreate a nandcfg.bin that causes "confusion" to neek2o. Also make backup and restore nandcfg.bin
* Added a confirmation before executing any items
* Corrected an huge memory leak introduced with version 3.61.2 in homebrew mode