Zeigt verschiedene Systeminformationen wie bspw. die CPU-/GPU-Nutzung und die Temperaturen in einem Tesla-Overlay an.
UPDATE, 11.11.23: Die v1.0.1 erlaubt das Verstecken einiger Frequenzen im Full-Mode und enthält noch kleinere Bugfixes
Eine Konfigurationsdatei wurde hinzugefügt, mit der sich einige Aspekte und Tastenkombinationen anpassen lassen. Zudem werden zusätzliche Werte von sys-clk v2.0.0 unterstützt und die Temperatur-Anzeige des PCB und SoC waren vertauscht, was behoben wurde.
Näheres im Changelog.
v1.0.1: Allow hiding real frequencies, deltas and target frequencies in Full mode (deltas are not showed if both real + target frequencies are hidden). This release also includes 2 shadow updates for 1.0.0, which includes fixes for overflowing of real frequencies + deltas, and also fixed RAM positioning calculations in Micro and Mini modes. v1.0.0: Fixed bugs: * Temperatures for PCB and SoC were swapped in 0.9.2 release * Sometimes exiting mode resulted in exiting overlay Changes: * Introduction of experimental configuration file, which allows changing exit button combo, Mini + Micro + FPS Counter + FPS Graph UIs, refresh rates. More explained here. ** Button combos are read from 3 different configurations files, the most important is status-monitor config, next config used by Ultrahand overlay, and last config for Tesla Menu. ** Now default combo button is L + D-PAD Down + R Stick. If someone wants to bring back old combo, use status-monitor config file. * Allow reading real frequencies from sys-clk 2.0.0_rc4+ sysmodule, if not installed showed frequencies in Mini and Micro modes are falling back to target frequencies * Allow reading RAM load from sys-clk 2.0.0_rc4+ * Remove option to change refresh rate with button combo * Remove option to change position of Mini and FPS Counter modes with button combo * Show proper button icons in Full mode (only exceptions are general UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT because they include both Sticks and D-Pad) * If sys-clk 2.0.0+ is active, Micro mode shows next to frequencies instead of @ also △ if real frequency is higher by 20 MHz than expected, ▽ if it's lower by 20 MHz, ≠ if it's lower by 50 MHz (seeing this for longer than few seconds without any change suggests that your overclocking solution is bad). * PFPS is now not showing in Mini mode * Edit: November 10th, 2023 18:04 GMT: Fixed positioning calculations for RAM in Micro and Mini modes when sys-clk is not working.