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Status Monitor Overlay v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,

Status Monitor Overlay

Zeigt verschiedene Systeminformationen wie bspw. die CPU-/GPU-Nutzung und die Temperaturen in einem Tesla-Overlay an.

UPDATE, 11.11.23: Die v1.0.1 erlaubt das Verstecken einiger Frequenzen im Full-Mode und enthält noch kleinere Bugfixes

Eine Konfigurationsdatei wurde hinzugefügt, mit der sich einige Aspekte und Tastenkombinationen anpassen lassen. Zudem werden zusätzliche Werte von sys-clk v2.0.0 unterstützt und die Temperatur-Anzeige des PCB und SoC waren vertauscht, was behoben wurde.

Näheres im Changelog.


Allow hiding real frequencies, deltas and target frequencies in Full mode (deltas are not showed if both real + target frequencies are hidden).

This release also includes 2 shadow updates for 1.0.0, which includes fixes for overflowing of real frequencies + deltas, and also fixed RAM positioning calculations in Micro and Mini modes.

Fixed bugs:
* Temperatures for PCB and SoC were swapped in 0.9.2 release
* Sometimes exiting mode resulted in exiting overlay

* Introduction of experimental configuration file, which allows changing exit button combo, Mini + Micro + FPS Counter + FPS Graph UIs, refresh rates. More explained here.
** Button combos are read from 3 different configurations files, the most important is status-monitor config, next config used by Ultrahand overlay, and last config for Tesla Menu.
** Now default combo button is L + D-PAD Down + R Stick. If someone wants to bring back old combo, use status-monitor config file.
* Allow reading real frequencies from sys-clk 2.0.0_rc4+ sysmodule, if not installed showed frequencies in Mini and Micro modes are falling back to target frequencies
* Allow reading RAM load from sys-clk 2.0.0_rc4+
* Remove option to change refresh rate with button combo
* Remove option to change position of Mini and FPS Counter modes with button combo
* Show proper button icons in Full mode (only exceptions are general UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT because they include both Sticks and D-Pad)
* If sys-clk 2.0.0+ is active, Micro mode shows next to frequencies instead of @ also △ if real frequency is higher by 20 MHz than expected, ▽ if it's lower by 20 MHz, ≠ if it's lower by 50 MHz (seeing this for longer than few seconds without any change suggests that your overclocking solution is bad).
* PFPS is now not showing in Mini mode
* Edit: November 10th, 2023 18:04 GMT: Fixed positioning calculations for RAM in Micro and Mini modes when sys-clk is not working.

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