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SysDVR v5.5.5

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


Überträgt den Bildschirminhalt der Switch auf einen PC.

Die Netzwerkprobleme beim Streamen wurden behoben, was allerdings zu einem erhöhten Speicherverbrauch führt. Es ist aber immer noch weniger als die v5.4. Außerdem wurde ein Splashscreen während des Verbindungsaufbaus hinzugefügt. Neu ist auch die automatische Synchronisation der Video- und Audio-Streams. Auch werden doppelte Keyframes gedroppt, was aber in einigen Spielen zu Bildartefakten führen kann – beide Features lassen sich in den erweiterten Einstellungen deaktivieren. Wenn das HOME-Menü aufgerufen wird, können die Streams jederzeit manuell re-synchronisiert werden.


* Fix network mode disconnection issue #226
** This issue requried increasing the socket buffer sizes so SysDVR now uses more memory than v5.5, unfortunately i couldn't find any way around it, it's still better than 5.4 and previous version but not as good as 5.5.
* Added a splash screen to replace the white screen shown while connecting
* Introduce audio/video stream synchronization in the built-in player: SysDVR will automatically attempt to sync the streams to avoid delays
** The correction delay scales over the number of errors detected, in bad network condition you may feel some delay because the player gives up synchronization to avoid stuttering, opening the home menu at any time will resync the streams.
** If you encounter stuttering this feature can be disabled in the advanced settings of the GUI or with the command line argument --debug nosync
* Introduce duplicate keyframe dropping: When SysDVR on the console detects many duplicated packets in a short period of time it will stop sending them to save bandwidth and reduce delay.
** The effectiveness of this feature depends on the game, since it may cause visual artifacts this feature can be disabled in the advanced settings of the SysDVR-Settings homebrew.
* Improved scheduling of the video frames in the built-in player: reduces occasional stuttering that was not related to the channel bandwidth.
* Improved handling of .bat launcher files created by the GUI, now they can be placed everywhere and properly check that the needed paths exist
* Some command line arguments have changed, in particular the --print-stats option has been renamed to --debug stats

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