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Schlagwort: obiaf

FBZX Wii v10

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , ,

Oibaf hat den ZX-Spektrum Emulator aktualisiert.


Tape browser 
 TZX "select block" block 
 TZX "jump to block" block 
 TZX messages shown on the screen 
 Instant load for TZX files too 
 Improved instant load routine: most of TAP files can be instant loaded now 
 Keys can be kept pressed in Virtual Keyboard 
 QAOP joystick 
 16 bit sound 
 Linear interpolation anti aliasing sound filter 
 Removed crackling in menu change 
 Mic bit emulation (Cobra's Arc speach works now) 
 Option to have pause between blocks in instant load 
 Option to disable tape rewind on reset 
 Option to ignore joystick configuration of z80 files 
 Tape stops on reset 
 Fixed bug in emulation precision option saving 
 Other minor fixings and improvements

via WiiBrew