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Schlagwort: setialpha

The Homebrew Filter rev43

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

setialpha hat den Homebrew Filter aktualisiert.

Download: WiivWii

- added chinese translation and font file (thanks to kavid)
- fixed downloading japanese font file from server
- add "Return to Wii U menu" in vWii versions
- disable reading Homewbrew from DVD on vWii
- display GC-MemoryCard symbol in app-info-dialog on real
  Wii, if device icon is enabled in settings
- Fixed bug that made HBF search for Settings Editor GUI
  on DVD, GCA and GCB, even if already found on SD or USB
- Set "Settings.{dvd,gca,gcb}_insert" to false on vWii