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WiiFlow Lite v4.4.0 r1136

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Fledge68 hat seine Modifikation von WiiFlow aktualisiert.


Das Ändern des Verzeichnisses von Gamecube-Spielen wurde behoben und das Auswählen des NAND-Typs (echter NAND, EmuNAND, beide) wurde verbessert. Zudem lassen sich jetzt Homebrews vom Plugin-Menü aus starten (dazu müssen die neuen Plugins heruntergeladen werden).

* fixed changing gamecube games directory and path.
* changed selecting nands type. now only use one source button or the channels.ini plugin for nand channels. goto config settings pg3 to change the nand type - real, emu, or both. this setting will stay that way till you change it. if using old source buttons they will both function the same.
* added homebrew plugin ini. so now theres wii, gamecube, channels, and homebrew plugin ini files to put in wiiflow/plugins folder and then you can use the plugin select menu as a source menu. you can also add their magic numbers to source buttons and combine them with plugins.
* added support for quakegx mod plugin by oibaff6 and args support added by wiimpathy.
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