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WiiFlow Lite v5.4.7

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

WiiFlow Lite

Ein hübscher Backup-Loader mit einer CoverFlow-Oberfläche. Aktuelle Modifikation von Fledge68.

Etliche Fehler wurden behoben; darunter einer, bei dem das Starten von Spielen im Wii-Modus der Wii U nicht funktionierte, selbst wenn die nötigen cIOS installiert waren. Der System-Proxy kann jetzt benutzt und die Musik im Loader auf 48 KHz upsampled werden. Auch wurden die Einstellungen etwas umdisponiert und der Download von Ocarina-Cheats erfolgt nun über RiiConnect24, da GeckoCodes.org geschlossen hat.


* fixed using plugin dol path via the apps folder that was broken in last release.
* fixed displaying music titles when you only have one music file in wiiflow music folder.
* fixed saving and loading enabled plugins upon exit and startup. This stops the "no plugins selected" message upon returning to wiiflow when you previously used the Select Plugin Menu.
* fixed custom backgrounds when using the Select Plugin Menu.
* fixed devolution for usb only users.
* fixed plugin system to handle more than 128 plugins. upped to 255 plugins.
* fixed to apply game settings when autoboot a non plugin game.
* fixed wii game booting on vwii (an issue started in 5.4.0 release). could also help with normal wii.
* added source menu setup via controller Home button while viewing source menu. Setup includes hide buttons, link buttons to plugins, and set roms path of plugins.
* added wiiflow/covers/homebrew_small folder so when using homebrew smallbox mode you can use your own custom covers instead of the apps icon.png
* added option to upsample/resample music audio to 48khz. code taken from wiixplorer thanks to dimok.
* added 'Always show main icons' option page 14 of main settings. this prevents the main screen icons from hiding.
* added proxy support for downloading with the option to use wii's config or settings via wiiflow_lite.ini.(blackb0x)
* fixed download timeouts & updated wolfSSL.(blackb0x)
* organized main settings pg 10 thru 14 better.
* now when you have only the front cover image wiiflow will use that platform's custom blank cover image for the spine and back of the cover.
* use RiiConnect24 geckocodes archive since geckocodes.org was shutdown.
* language updates and general code cleanup

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