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Wiimms SZS Tools v0.39a

Wii, Wii: Update

Wiimm hat seine SZS Tools aktualisiert.





szs v0.39a r3799 - 2012-06-09

 - The KCL code was cleaned and the internal triangle data base has a new
   optimized data structure. The new KCL tool will create the same KCL as
   the previous r3774. Only the output of some dump commands and also
   the created OBJ files have changed.

 - Three new parser functions for the --kcl-script script:
     tri$create()    : Create a new triangle.
     tri$scale()     : Scale all points of a triangle.
     tri$hRot()      : Rotate all points of a triangle horizontally.
     tri$unremove()  : Clear 'REMOVED' marker
     tri$isRemoved() : Get 'REMOVED' status.
   Call "wkclt func tri$" for complete list of all 12 triangle functions.

 - Command "wkclt OCTREE" renamed to "wkclt TRAVERSE".

 - New command: wkclt COPY <source> <dest>
   Copy and convert source collision file (KCL or OBJ) to dest. The default
   destination file format is selected by scanning the file extension of the
   destination. This is an alternative for the ENCODE and DECODE commands
   for single copy operations.

 - Optimization: If input and output are binary KCL files and only KCL flags
   were changed, then the original KCL data is copied 1:1 to the output file
   and only the flag values are modifed. Use --kcl=new to build always a new
   binary KCL and to disable this optimization.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

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