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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.27a r4742

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,


Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


szs v1.27a r4742 - 2013-11-24
- Bug fix: Occasional a triangle was marked as invalid by mistake, if it was inserted by the script function tri$create() (option --kcl-script).
- Minimap fixing: From now the minmum and maximum values of the MDL.s1 root are set too.
- KMP check: A test added, which controls, that the check points are not to near together and that they build convex quadrilaterals. See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wkmpt/check#desc for check details.
- KMP check: Some WARNINGS are HINTS now.
- New transformation option: --tform-script=script The script is loaded and a macro is called for every vertex. So it is possible to add user defined and also non linear transformations. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/tform-script for details.
- New parser functions: status(), len2(), hlen2(), sideOfLine(), ptInConvexPolygon(), ptsInConvexTri(), ptsInConvexQuad(). See http://szs.wiimm.de/cmd/wszst/functions#desc for details.

szs v1.26a r4726 - 2013-11-10
- Bug fix: A patched file was not marked as dirty (and not written), if only BMG was patched and only with modes 'ID' or 'ID-ALL'.
- New option --export (-X): Enable the export modus and create small and machine readable text files for easy post processing. The option works similar like -HBB for KMP and like -HBl11 for BMG text files.
- Windows version only: Update to Cygwin v1.7.25. I hope that it fixes the bug that occurred during creation of MKW-Fun 2013-10 with Windows 8.1.

Quelle: szs.wiimm.de

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