Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.
- There was a disorder using the escape sequences '%E' and '%T' for file extensions/types. '%E' included a leading point, '%T' only sometimes. Henceforth both will include then leading '.' or are empty, if no file extension is available. So the earlier '%N.%T' becomes '%N%T'. - Command wkmpt COBJECT will now also draw the start position with area, the respawn positions with area, the POTI routes and standard itemboxes. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/draw for details. - Command wkmpt COBJECT: Check points with quadrilateral warnings are drawn in red. This option can be disabled by --draw=-warn. - New KMP check: Test, if all enemy and item root points are inside of at least one convex check point quadrilateral.
Quelle: szs.wiimm.de