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WiiSX RX v3.2

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,


Verbesserte Modifikation von WiiSXR und der aktuelle PlayStation-1-Emulator für die Wii. WiiStation läuft eventuell besser.

Neu ist eine Version, die in eine WiiVC-Inject auf der Wii U injiziert werden kann und dann die höhere Taktrate für eine verbesserte Kompatibilität nutzt, da bspw. ein anderes Sound-Plugin genutzt wird. Ferner wurden für beide Versionen die Ladezeiten und die allgemeine Kompatibilität verbessert.

* CDDA is now available for use. Check the details below about the two new builds.
* Reduced loading time.
* Updates to CDrom plugin and new timer, compatibility rise.
* CDrom speedup.
* GTE updates.
Hinweis des Entwicklers
There are separate builds, one is WiiSXRX-FS and the other one is WiiSXRX-DS. Each one uses a different sound plugin.

WiiSXRX-FS is more recommended for use on the Wii, since it is lighter on resources. It can give you a speed boost that
may vary between 5-15 FPS, depending on the game. Some games may even sound better on this build, compared to -DS.
However, the sound plugin within this build does NOT read Red Book audio (CDDA).

WiiSXRX-DS is more recommended for use on the Wii U’s "overclocked mode". Being more accurate, means it is heavier on
the use of the console’s resources, which in turn means less FPS on limited systems like the Gamecube and Wii,
hence the recommendation. Some games do sound better or without audio glitches on this build, or even
require it to work fully, compared to -FS. The sound plugin within this build DOES include full
support for Red Book audio (CDDA).

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