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Witgui v2.1.3

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

Witgui, der Wii  & Gamecube Spiele-Manager für OS X wurde aktualisiert! Es werden FAT und WBFS unterstützt. Alternativ kannst du noch NTFS-3G nachinstallieren, um auf NTFS-Platten zuzugreifen!


Wii-Spiele werden im Finder nun auch als solche angezeigt. Die Konvertierung nach .wia ist nun auch möglich. Beim Übertragen der Spiele können überflüssige Partitionen des Spiels gelöscht werden (z.B. die UPDATE-Partition). WBFS-Partitionen können nun überprüft und repariert werden, Spiele können auch gecheckt werden. Außerdem werden jetzt nur noch OS X Versionen ab Lion (10.7) unterstützt! Es wurden dann noch weitere Bugs gefixt.


The size of the icons in the Icon view can be customized, the dialog for transfers to WBFS partitions can be hidden, /disk can be used instead of /rdisk to access WBFS partitions, flat covers can be used instead of 3D covers (in the Preferences panel).

Games can be dragged from the Icon view to the Finder. Games on WBFS partitions can be correctly verified.

Corrected the QuickLook plugin bug that caused some files to get the wrong game cover as a thumbnail (to reset the thumbnail of the files inside the directory “myDirectory”, run “rm myDirectory/._*” in a Terminal window). The table columns are sortable again.

Thumbnails are now correctly set by the QuickLook plugin.

New QuickLook plugin to preview and display thumbnails in the Finder of .wbfs, .wia, .wdf, .ciso and .iso files (the last ones have to be set to be opened with Witgui, otherwise the standard thumbnail/preview will be used). New icon display mode along the already known list mode. Conversion to .wia is now supported. Added option to keep only the DATA and CHANNEL partitions when transferring a game (this can save some space). wit and wwt are searched in the order in the following directories: first in /usr/local/bin, then in the custom path, if any (can be set by selecting “File > Locate wit/wwt” while pressing the OPT/ALT key) and finally in the Application Support folder (where they are downloaded after selecting “File > Download wit/wwt”. The “Terminal tricks” for gaining access to WBFS partitions can now automatically be done after downloading wwt. Added menu items to check/repair WBFS partitions and verify games.

WBFS partitions are now correctly detected. Fixed bug that caused unnecessary directories to be created when renaming/converting a game and a game detail contained a “/”. Fixed a bug where a conversion’s progress bar stopped just before reaching the end.

WBFS partitions can be safely ejected from the File menu.

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