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Zweite Beta von LineageOS 18.1 (Android 11) für Switch veröffentlicht

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,

Das SwitchRoot-Team hat die zweite Beta von LineageOS 18.1 für die Switch veröffentlicht.

Eine Installationsanleitung ist im SwitchRoot-Wiki verfügbar. Wer schon die Beta 1 benutzt kann einfach über die Einstellungen updaten.

In dieser Version wurde die Performance für Erista-Modelle korrigiert; allerdings treten noch immer sporadisch Lags auf. Auf diesen Modellen funktionieren jetzt außerdem auch die Lüfter.

Für erfahrene Nutzer ist auch eine Übersicht der INI-Parameter verfügbar. Unten könnt ihr euch alle Release-Highlights ansehen.


- Added support for new L4T features like parsing dumped Lite calibration data
- Actually added ddr200 for microSD cards (disabled by default unlike on L4T due to possible incompatibility with some cards) and a few other new ini options
- Erista performance should be fixed (still a little choppy sometimes, pretty sure you can blame NVIDIA)
- Erista fans now actually fire up and should use proper profiles
- U-Boot vidconsole should work now (customized config options and errors during this stage are printed to console as they are parsed)
- ATV audio should be fixed (duplicated tab audio policy instead of using NVIDIA default ATV policy)
- Assorted bugfixes

Bekannte Probleme

- Docking sometimes requires undocking and redocking and some weird displays sometimes don't work--this will improve with updates
- Docking sometimes defaults to a stupid resolution--just adjust in the Switch Configuration app
- Sensor HAL (gyro, accel, etc.) is broken on all devices--no support is planned for the Invensense IMU found in the OLED, but the STM ones should work--not sure why they don't
- CEC does not work
- Volume UI does not work due to platform bug
- RSMouse is not included
- Shield TV Remote trackpad does not work
- adb, mtp, etc. do not work when USB3 is disabled
- In-place upgrades from Q are supported but can be unstable--we recommend clean installs
- Console Launcher fails to update due to unmatching signiture--will be fixed soon
- Joycons do not turn off in sleep automatically, make sure to turn them off by tapping the 'sync' button on side.

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