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3DShell v4.1.0

3DS, 3DS: Update ,


Ein hübscher Dateimanager für den 3DS.

Vor dem Update muss die Config-Datei unter "/3DS/3DShell/config.cfg" gelöscht werden! Spätere Releases handhaben dies automatisch.

RAR-Dateien können extrahiert und Bilder rangezoomt werden. Ein "More…"-Menüpunkt wurde hinzugefügt, mit dem das aktuelle Verzeichnis neu geladen, sowie neue Dateien erstellt werden können. Ein simpler Textdateien-Leser ist jetzt ebenfalls mit an Board und die Unterstützung von OPUS und etliche weitere Fehler wurden behoben.

* Minor clean-up with audio functions, config file and .ZIP extraction, removed deprecated functions. (Also built using the latest citro2d and libctru.)
* Improved music lock texture.
* Added battery icons to status bar.
* Add ability to extract .RAR archives.
* Add "More..." option in file options.
* * Added the ability to refresh directory list.
* * Added the ability to create new files.
* * Cancel button can be accessed via buttons.
* Minor fixes with handling UTF-16 filenames.
* Added a W.I.P text file reader for small config files. (This is very basic at the moment. I simply implemented this for reading log files straight from the 3DS).
* Handle config versions (At the moment, you'll need to delete your config file located in /3DS/3DShell/config.cfg, however after this update this will no longer be necessary with future releases).
* Fixed buffer overflow when selecting a file with a long file path using multi-select.
* Fixed copying files/folders between different archives sd <-> nand.
* UTF16 file names are now properly handled when copying/pasting files.
* Added the ability to zoom into image if < 400x240. (c-stick or D-PAD to zoom, circle pad to position image).
* Improved executable file icon. (The previous one didn't work well with the dark theme mode).
* Added an error display dialog if any issue occurs with FS or archive related functions.
* Fixed OPUS support.
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