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Anemone3DS v2.3.1

3DS, 3DS: Update ,


Mit Anemone3DS lassen sich Custom-Themes, Marken und Luma3DS-Splashscreens herunterladen und installieren.

Das Dumpen von Themes im letzten Update hat gar nicht funktioniert, was mit dieser Version behoben wurde. Im ThemePlaza-Browser kann nun auch mit Sonderzeichen gesucht werden und generell wurden einige Fehler und Abstürze behoben.

* Dumping and then installing official themes caused a crash because the themes were never actually dumped; @LiquidFenrir patched it.
* There were some problems with our audio thread, including not being joined back to the main thread on exit, causing bizarre crashes; that's been patched, again by @LiquidFenrir.
* Some of you may have noticed that the error FS Error: ... would appear when downloading themes with certain special characters in them. That was my (@Helloman892's) fault in v2.3.0, and you know what's next: patched.
* Somewhat related to the above, searching for special characters in the TP browser has been broken for a while. Patched.
* There was another bug introduced in v2.3.0 as part of the networking overhaul; a useless-to-the-user 404 would be shown if a theme preview in the browser had no BGM. Patched.
* The Theme Plaza browser should crash less where previews are involved, thanks to yet another patch from @LiquidFenrir, without whom this patch release wouldn't be happening.
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