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Atmosphère v0.7.5

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update


Custom Firmware für die Nintendo Switch.

DRAM-Training wurde zu Fusee-Secondary hinzugefügt, was den Speicherzugriff während des Bootens beschleunigt und zu einem 200-400% schnellerem Start führt. Auch wurde die Erkennung der Code-Region in creport verbessert.

* DRAM training was added to fusee-secondary, courtesy @hexkyz.
* * This greatly improves the speed of memory accesses during boot, resulting in a boot time that is ~200-400% faster.
* creport has had its code region detection improved.
* * Instead of only checking one of the crashing thread's PC/LR for code region presence, creport now checks both + every address in the stacktrace. This is also now done for every thread.
* * * This matches the improvement Nintendo added to official creport in 6.1.0.
* * The code region detection heuristic was further improved by checking whether an address points to .rodata or .rwdata, instead of just .text.
* * This means that a crash appears in a loaded NRO (or otherwise discontiguous) code region, creport will be able to detect all active code regions, and not just that one.
* General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
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