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dumpling v2.6.0

Wii U, Wii U: Update ,


Dumpt Spiele und verschiedene Dateien von der Wii U für bspw. Cemu.

Dumpling kommt nun im "WUHB"-Format für Aroma mit zusätzlichen Bugfixes daher. Zudem wurde die Geschwindigkeit mit der Spiele gedumpt werden extrem verbessert, womit sich bspw. Breath of the Wild in nur 25 Minuten anstatt vier Stunden dumpen lässt. Ferner werden SD-Karte und USB-Geräte im exFAT formatiert unterstützt und unfertig gesicherte Dateien können gelöscht werden. Näheres im Changelog.


* Add official Aroma support and .wuhb releases
** Added a new home menu icon and boot screen, made by @emiyl
** Exiting while using Aroma should no longer result in a black screen
* Major rework of file transferring code, resulting in a massive speed improvement
** Games with tons of files now dump up to 12x faster (e.g. Breath of the Wild which takes 25 minutes instead of 4+ hours)!
** All games benefit from a good 2-3x improvement!
** This was possible using a multithreaded writing process (thanks @Xpl0itU and @wchill!) and adding Dumpling-specific fat32 caching methods (thanks @Exzap for helping)
* Now uses fatfs instead of libfat
** Adds support for exfat drives
** Much improved USB drive support so that previously unrecognized USB drives now work
** Allows for the now multithreaded file dumping
* Fixed jumpy dumping speed and estimated dumping time while dumping
* Show total time after successful dump
* Cleaned up multiple menus into a singular, more explanatory option menu
* Can now optionally delete incomplete files if an error occurred or if you cancel while dumping
* Fix inverted option to only dump the disc files but not the update/DLC

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