Mit diesem Kommandozeilentool können verschiedene Formate für die Switch angesehen, entschlüsselt und extrahiert werden.
hactool wurde in Bezug auf Keys und Verschlüsselungen auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht. Des Weiteren lassen sich Speicherstände parsen und extrahieren und verschlüsselte XCI-Header-Daten entschlüsseln und parsen.
-Support was fixed for new (8.0.0+) key generation. -Support was added for extracting 8.0.0+ Package2 binaries. -SVC and key generation names were updated to latest definitions. -Support was added for parsing and extracting save files (thanks @shchmue!) -Support was added for decrypting and parsing the encrypted XCI header area. -NPDM output was corrected when parsing the version field. -Support was added for suppressing output of sensitive/decrypted keys. -Support was added for only extracting NCAs if the content type is one specified. -Support was added for automatically appending the NCA section type to extracted section content paths if an option is specified. -Key derivation was fixed when deriving master keks from keyblobs. -title.keys content restrictions were made looser (non-key lines are now allowed). -Support was added for skipping output of invalid key warnings. -A bug was fixed that caused PFS0 file entry calculations to fail.