Diese Version unterstützt mehrere Tastenkombinationen zum Aufrufen des Homebrew Menus mit verschiedenen Titeln und einem hübschen Titel-Selector. Das vereinfacht das Aufsetzen der Button Overrides enorm! Außerdem scrollt die Systemmodul-Liste nun, anstatt auf mehrere Seiten aufgeteilt zu sein. Zu guter Letzt wurden noch einige Fehler behoben, wie ihr im Changelog unten nachlesen könnt.
* Override key settings now support up to 8 custom title overrides. * * This feature only works in Atmosphere 0.10.2 and higher! * Added an option to select a title when configuring overrides. * * Album override has now been renamed to "Default" and its title can be changed also. * * Besides listing all game titles, it comes with support for 4 applets: Album, Nintendo eShop, User Profile and Controller. * All buttons now autoscroll when the selection goes out of bounds. * * This means the sysmodules page no longer needs pages. They were removed. * Fixed an issue where program_id_0 and override_key_0 were not properly read from the config. * Fixed touchscreen UI not working properly when using the list selector and the message box. * Fixed Override key button not blocking input properly when reading for button presses. * Added an option to immediately exit the program by pressing PLUS. * Most menus/submenus now remember the last button selection. * Hekate reboot menu now automatically selects the autoboot profile. * Having a valid config.json is no longer necessary to list sysmodules. (the toolbox.json files are an option) * Background services, Reboot to Hekate and Reboot now! buttons have been recolored to reduce eye strain. * Lots of minor UI changes.