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Lockpick RCM v1.9.9

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update

Lockpick RCM

Liest alle Schlüssel der Switch aus.

Keys bis zur Firmware 15.0.0/15.0.1 können jetzt gedumpt werden. Auch kann jetzt der konsolenspezifische SSL RSA-Key mitgesichert werden.

* Lockpick_RCM now supports dumping keys through firmware 15.0.0.
* Also added SSL RSA key dumping for those who wish to dump and use the console certificate.
* Refactored crypto ops to more closely match what happens in-OS. Lockpick_RCM formerly used some patterns that were different and thus hard to maintain.
* Various refactoring and other improvements to readability. More key checks to make sure good data is being saved
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