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Lunar Magic v3.04

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update ,

Diese Version behebt einige Abstürze und Fehler und fügt zusätzliche Optionen für das "Analyze Resources in Levels" Menü hinzu.

* fixed a crash bug from 3.03 that could happen if the "Select All" command was used on objects in the level editor that were then moved or deleted. 
* fixed a crash bug from 3.02 that would occur if you tried to do a remap in the Map16 editor on pages A3+. Thanks goes out to Koopster for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug from 3.00 where if you went beyond the top of the level with Yoshi, he could eat berries that were on the previous screen. Thanks goes out to Thomas for reporting this. 
* fixed a bug in the original game where if Mario flew beyond the top of the level, he might interact with block numbers formed by the lower 8 bits of a block number that another sprite was interacting with. This was particularly noticeable if the resulting block number was for an invisible question block or jumping note block. Thanks goes out to Thomas for reporting the issue that led to figuring this out. 
* fixed an issue from 2.20 for SA-1 ROMs where if you re-enabled the path fade effect and saved the overworld, a warning message about a failed pointer remap would appear (although the ROM would be fine). Thanks goes out to DPBOX for submitting the hack that revealed this. 
* made the "Block Contents" view option show the contents somewhat translucent. 
* added a few extra options for the "Analyze Resources in Levels" menu command.
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