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Spielt in Verbindung mit TWLMenu++ DS-Spiele und -Homebrews von der SD-Karte ab.

Ein einfacher Ladebildschirm wurde hinzugefügt, welcher sogar angepasst werden kann. Weitere Informationen dazu findet ihr im Changelog.


* A simple loading screen has been added. (made by @FlameKat53)
* A custom loading screen can now be used!
Your .bmp file should be placed in one of these locations:
    The .bmp file should be named 0.bmp. If it's an animated loading screen, then also add 1.bmp, 2.bmp, etc. (up to 29.bmp).
    The animated loading screen will loop after it's frames are shown.
    Supported frame rates are 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, and 30.
    You will need to open the theme's .ini file (config.ini, for the DSi and 3DS themes), and add the data for the loading screen, beginning with [loading screen] (or [Loading], if it's an R4 theme):

frames = 29 (can be from 0 up to 29)
fps = 30 (use one of the supported frame rates)

First letter of the two settings must be capitalized for the R4 theme.
Finally, set the loading screen to TWLMenu++ theme in the TWiLight Menu++ settings screen!

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