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Spielt in Verbindung mit TWLMenu++ DS-Spiele und -Homebrews von der SD-Karte ab.

Von einem DSi-enhanced/-exklusiven Titel kann direkt ohne Neustart zum TWLMenu zurückgekehrt werden. Zudem booten ARM9i- und ARM7i-Binarys von Homebrews nun. Die Akkuanzeige wird beim ersten Öffnen des In-Game-Menüs auch nicht mehr fälschlicherweise leer angezeigt.


What's new?
* When connecting to Wii using a Pokemon Gen 4 title, the received SRL file is now booted!
* Homebrew bootloader has moved to NitroFS in order for loaders such as TWLMenu++ to load it directly.
* You can now exit directly to TWLMenu++ without rebooting, when running a DSi-Enhanced/Exclusive title in DSi mode!
* Patch offset cache files have been renamed from romname.bin to TID & CRC (ex. VSOE-82A2.bin).
** This allows .nds/.srl files launched from within one to have it's own patch offset cache file.
* ARM9i and ARM7i binaries of homebrew are now loaded.

* Soft-resetting in B4DS mode no longer turns off or reboots the console.
* DSi SD DLDI driver has been moved to the HB bootloader to cut down the HB build filesize.
Bug fix

* Fixed battery level showing as blank when first opening in-game menu.

Known bugs
* The received SRL file from a Pokemon Wii title cannot connect to the Wii after being booted. It is unknown how to fix this.
** Additionally, when connecting using Platinum, the save data cannot be read.
** Additionally (again), when connecting using HGSS, a red screen crash will occur (apparently due to attempting to read non-existing Diamond/Pearl/Platinum ROM data).

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