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Neuer New Super Mario Bros. Wii ISO Patcher (v1.06)

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Jetzt wo Ostern ist, ist es doch mal wieder Zeit für viele neue Spiele, oder? Wir haben eine neue Version des New Super Mario Bros. Wii ISO Patchers hochgeladen. Damit brauchst du nur einen Dump des NSMB Wii Spiels und den Patcher! Der Patcher kümmert sich um das Downloaden, Entpacken, Packen, etc.


Download Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii (der größte NSMB Wii Mod)

Viel Spaß!

HINWEIS: Du musst die New Super Mario Bros. Wii CD selbst dumpen. Alles andere ist illegal.

Das hat sich seit der letzten Version geändert:

* changelog format: + Added feature, - Removed feature, * Changed feature
+ all new code, total rewrite
+ auto update to most recent version if available after prompt
+ base plugin format (date_timestamp.BASE)
+ support for more than one base at the same time
+ only extracts needed image
* base menu is dynamic showing only install bases supported by current mod
* base menu is disabled if selected mod supports only one installed base (auto selected)
* new mod plugin format (Filename.PLG)
+ mod plugins for AwesomerSLM (now defunct) and Koopa Country
+ ability to auto download and install supported riivolution packages
+ AltIDs for all current plugins
+ Ability to type custom GameID (ID6) for final image (Will auto set region character)
+ alt and custom gameID uses proper custom main banner when looking local and download

- modularized MOD plugins
- Code cleanup for modularization
- shows why MOD isn't available (Pack not installed/Base not supported)
- probably fixed ISO mode issue

- rewrote main batch file pretty much from the ground up to modularize the core
- made mod menu detect and allow options for only games you have installed
- added support to ignore banner if you want to use NSMBW banner even though you have your own
- made autodetect source ISO default with override possible through main menu
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