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SNES9x 3DS v0.62

3DS, 3DS: Update ,

bubble2k16 hat SNES9x aktualisiert.


Gezoomte Mode-7-Texturen und das Sound-Handling wurden verbessert, zudem kann das In-Frame Paletten-Handling geändert werden. Star Fox/StarWing sollte jetzt bei Frameskips nicht mehr flackern und Texturprobleme außerhalb von Bowsers-Castle-Strecken in Super Mario Kart wurden behoben. Näheres im Changelog.

- Improved Mode 7 zoomed-in textures. Games like Seiken Densetsu, ActRaiser 1/2 look better when viewing the Mode 7 textures near to the ground.
- Improved sound handling to ensure that the left speaker plays at the same volume as the right speaker.
- Added option to change in-frame palette handling. There are three options to choose from: > Enabled. (Slow, accurate, but never as accurate as software) > Disabled Style 1 (faster, less accurate) > Disabled Style 2 (faster, less accurate) works a little differently from Style 1 Most games are by default Disabled Style 2. Bahamut Lagoon and Front Mission Gun Hazard are by default Disabled Style 1. Wild Guns, Judge Dredd, Batman Forever are by default Enabled.
- Fixed Clock Tower to boot properly again.
- Fixed Star Fox flickering problem when there are frameskips.
- Fixed outside-of-track texture problem with Super Mario Kart’s Bowser Castle stages.
- Fixed Final Fantasy V Intro logo cutout problem.
- Fixed Donkey Kong Country's tile colour corruption bug
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