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Snickerstream v1.10

3DS, 3DS: Update ,


Snickerstream ist ein verbesserter NTRViewer, um den Bildschirm eines New3DS per NTR CFW oder HzMod auf den PC zu streamen.

HzMod wird jetzt unterstützt – für Pro und Kontra siehe das GitHub-Wiki. Der Direct2D-Renderer wurde aktualisiert und damit auch der Interpolation-Mode-Count von zwei auf sechs erhöht, auch wurde das Logging verbessert. Zu guter Letzt wurden noch ein paar kleinere Verbesserungen und Bugfixes vorgenommen – näheres im Changelog.


New features
* Initial HzMod support. This alone should warrant a paragraph of its own, but for shortness' sake check the full details on the Wiki for its pros and cons against NTR.
* The Direct2D renderer has been updated from D2D v1.0 to v1.1. This was mainly required for HzMod support but it also bumped up the interpolation mode count from 2 to 6!
* A function to remap the hotkeys without having to edit the INI file manually has been added to the advanced menu.
* More logging options: you can now log to a file, a console window or both. Also, logging at loglevel 3 is a little less spammy now.

Improvements & Bug fixes:
* The renderer combobox has been moved to the advanced menu. The streaming app selection takes its old place. This marks the official deprecation of the GDI+ renderer.
* Snickerstream no longer your logs CPU and GPU model. The function being used was a bit of a mess and caused crashes at startup in some very rare cases – just two recorded ones, if you’re being curious. Considering that this info was rarely needed for troubleshooting after adding Direct2D support, I just decided to remove it altogether.
* Fixed some typos.
* Slightly made the source code better to look at. Just slightly.
* [Bugfix] You can now specify a custom width & height (DPI fix) for the bottom screen window in separate windows mode.
* [Bugfix] The default hotkeys will now be restored if an invalid number of hotkeys is found in settings.ini instead of being simply refusing to read them.
* [Bugfix] Fixed a bug affecting real time screen scaling in GDI+.
* [Bugfix] Top and bottom scaling factor inputs in the adv menu aren't limited only to decimal chars anymore (so you can now enter dots).

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