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The Homebrew Filter rev42

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

nano hat den Homebrew Filter aktualisiert! Funktioniert nun auch auf der vWii!




– changed default options:
* disable checking for new version automatically
* enable sd-card debug logging
– added option for choosing whether bootmii boot2 isinstalled (adds "Load BootMii (Boot2)" in Exit-Prompt
– black-listed v65280 of IOS254 (if that version is installed there’s no "Load BootMii (IOS)" anymore in Exit-Prompt
– ensure 'Launch Priiloader' is only shown if Priiloader is really installed (in some cases it could appear even if Priiloader hasn’t been installed)
– fixed a bug that caused black-screen then returning into HBF from app loaded with <ahb_access/>
– build separate vWii-version using FIX94s NAND-Loader (still using modified Waninkoko NAND-Loader on real Wii)
– build using libruntimeiospatch 1.3
– vWii version does disable functions not applicable von vWii
– installer now falls back to IOS236 if there’s no HW_AHBPROT access
– updated HBF0 (forwarder for standalone version) with FIX94 forwarder 12.7 (both Wii/vWii) and FIX94 NAND-Loader (vWii only)
– Update-System for standalone-versions now available
– Settings can now be saved when using HBF0 channel aswell
– "Restart HBF" does now distinguish between HBF0 and THBF
– about-dialog now shows the HBF flavour (Wii/vWii, forwarder (ST)/fullchannel (Full))
– "Return to" from homebrews into HBF0 works again

via HBF-Selbstupdate

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