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TWiLight Menu++ v20.4.0 -> v20.4.1 mit NDS-Bootstrap v0.42.0

3DS, 3DS: Update , ,

TWiLight Menu++

Das TWiLight Menu++ sieht aus wie das DSi-Menü und kann in Verbindung mit NDS-Bootstrap DS-Homebrews und DS-Spiele von der SD-Karte abspielen.


Spielt in Verbindung mit TWLMenu++ DS-Spiele und -Homebrews von der SD-Karte ab.

UPDATE: TWLMenü++ v20.4.1 behebt einen Fehler mit der "Run in" Funktion.

Die Einstellung "Card read DMA" wurde aus Kompatibilitätsgründen standardmäßig deaktiviert, da sie zu Problemen führte und der TWLNAND und Fotos können von der SD-Karte, statt dem NAND gelesen werden.

Außerdem sollte die Startzeit etwas geringer ausfallen und DSiWare-Spiele, die Fotos von der DSi- bzw. 3DS-Kamera lesen, funktionieren nun korrekt. Auch der lokale Multiplayer wurde korrigiert.

TWiLight Menu++ Changelog

What's new?
* Card read DMA has been reverted to being turned on by default, due to unexpected issues.
* * Additionally, a card read DMA blacklist for certain games has been implemented.
* The remastered version of the Nintendo DSi Shop music (by BlastoiseVeteran) is now used!
* Added Photo/TWLNAND Location option for DSiWare booted by nds-bootstrap to read said content from either the NAND or SD Card.
* The Atari 2600 and PC-Engine consoles have been added to the TWLMenu++ splash screen!
* (@lifehackerhansol) Added Ace3DS+, Gateway Blue, and R4Li-clone autoboot files.

* (@Epicpkmn11 and various) Updated translations.

Bug fixes
* The Run in setting is now DS mode by default for old DS homebrew.
* Fixed ROM and settings menu not appearing, if Memory Expansion Pak is inserted.
* TWLMenu++ now boots from GBA flashcards (such as SuperCard MiniSD) again.
* Some minor bug fixes to the DS Classic Menu.

NDS-Bootstrap Changelog

What's new?
* B4DS mode: ROMs up to 8MB can now be loaded into the DS Memory Expansion Pak for faster loading!
* * If an M3, G6, or SuperCard GBA flashcard containing 32MB of RAM is detected, then the ROM size limit is 32MB.
* * * You'll need to launch the DS ROM via TWLMenu++ for this feature to work.
* B4DS mode: You can now press SELECT+Down to lower sound volume range to half. Press SELECT+Up to revert back to normal.
* You can now have DSiWare read TWLNAND contents (or just photo folder) from the SD card.
* Pre-set default settings are now implemented, if some aren't detected in sd:/_nds/nds-bootstrap.ini.

* The main arm9 code (first run when nds-bootstrap is booted by .nds loaders) has been recompiled as ARM code instead of THUMB, so boot speed should be improved a bit.

Bug fixes
* By correcting and adding the remaining device list entries, DSiWare titles that read photos taken by the DSi or 3DS camera will now work properly (ex. Hidden Photo (DSiWare version), Sparkle Snapshots, etc.).
* Fixed nds-bootstrap exiting out, if running from a Slot-2 flashcard.
* Fixed local WiFi being locked to 0 bars, so local multiplayer now works again.
* * As a result, WiFi should no longer crash the game or cause an error, if running on DSi without Unlaunch.
* * Once again, this does not mean that cloneboot support is fixed. When it eventually does get fixed, it'll be stated in the changelog.

Bug fix & Regression
* The top & bottom main screen options no longer work properly, with the game once again changing where the main screen is set.
* * This is done to hopefully fix unexpected issues (such as corrupt graphics and/or random freezes) when running DSi-Enhanced games in DSi mode.

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