SunakazeKun hat den Super Mario Galaxy Level-Editor aktualisiert.
Die Änderungen findet ihr im Changelog.
* Added: Full support for paths and path points! * Added: Multi-renderer, which replaces the old Double and Triple renderers * Added: New object rendering (coins, black holes, ...) * Added: Gravity rendering * Added: Obj_arg descriptions are displayed to show more information about the current object * Added: Improved property field names * Added: Randomized path colors which replace the previous ones * Added: ShapeModelNo editing and rendering has been completely reworked and it doesn't crash the program anymore. * Fixed: Area rendering for SMG1 has been specified * Fixed: Wrap and filter modes for BMD and BTI renderers weren't properly configured * Fixed: Position, rotation and scale copying doesn't work * Fixed: Editing cutscenes freezes the program when saved * Fixed: Crash if a non-existing model file can't be loaded * Misc.: A lot of cleanup, although there's still a lot of shitty code...