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Wiimms ISO Tools v2.22a r4516

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine ISO-Tools aktualisiert.


Hauptsächlich wurde das DOLPATCH-Kommando erweitert.

 - Command "wit DOLPATCH" accepts now more commands and is able to create new
   TEXT and DATA sections.
   -> Read http://wit.wiimm.de/cmd/wit/dolpatch for details.

 - New option: --tt-id=ID: This is a short cut for '--ticket=ID --tmd=ID'.
   If TICKET and TMD differ, the game will freeze after loading. So it make
   sense to change only TICKET and TMD IDs together.

 - Bug fix, if using "wit COPY --name discname" and the destination is %X or
   similar: The new discname is now used to create the filename.

via wit.wiimm.de

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