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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.22a r4602

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


 - The Windows installer will now force type REG_EXPAND_SZ for path variables.

 - New commmand: wbmgt MIX: Works like CAT, but combines all input files.

 - Exported BMG text files will now show all characters of the Unicode Basic
   Multilingual Plane (BMP; codes <=0xfffd) without escape sequences.

 - Tool wbmgt: Option --single-line supports now 2 levels and option --brief
   3 levels. See http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/wbmgt/single-line and
   http://szs.wiimm.de/opt/wbmgt/brief for details.

 - New option: wszst --patch-bmg: Patch BMG sub files directly. There is no
   more need to extract BMG files before patching.

 - New option for tools wszst and wbmgt: --msg=list: If set, the BMG messages
   are filtered by this list. Only enabled messages are exported to the ouput
   BMG file (binary or text).

 - If an archive (SZS,...) is found while reading a BMG file, the archive is
   searched for BMG sub files and found sub files together are used as BMG

 - wstrt can now detect main.dol files and its type (PAL, USA, JAP or KOR).

 - Option --kmp accepts now the keywords 1LAP, 2LPAS ... 9LAPS to modify the
   first byte of KMP/STGI (numer of laps). This first byte has only impact on
   patched main.dol files.

Quelle: Offizielle Website

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