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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.35a r5184 und Wiimms ISO Tools v2.29a r5186

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , , , , , ,

Wiimm hat seine Tools aktualisiert! Diese bringen hauptsächlich Veränderungen für die Wiimmfi-Connection.

Download Wiimms SZS Tools
Download Wiimms ISO Tools

Wiimms SZS Tools
 - Two more modes for option --https:
    - SAKE0: Same as DOMAIN, but don't replace URLs with SAKE domain.
    - SAKE1: Same as SAKE0, but replace HTTPS of SAKE domains.

 - New option: wstrt --wiimmfi: Patch the files for the new custom server.
   It is a short cut for '{--https=domain --domain=wiimmfi.de}'.
Wiimms ISO Tools
 - New patching options to support the new custom server:
   - Option --http: Replace 'https' request to 'http' in the files 'main.dol'
     and 'rel/StaticR.rel'.
   - Option --domain=dom: Replace 'nintendowifi.net' by the new domain.
   - Option --wiimmfi: Patch the images for the new custom server. It is a
     short cut for: --http --domain=wiimmfi.de
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