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Wiimms SZS Tools v1.38a r6056

vWii, Wii, Wii: Update , ,

Wiimm hat seine SZS-Tools aktualisiert.


Es wurden einige neue Kommandos und Optionen hinzugefügt und das Tool WSZST wurde erweitert. Näheres im Changelog.


- Tools WSZST contains now all other tools. It can be called in the usual way or as tool wrappers. See http://szs.wiimm.de/doc/wrapper for details. 
- wkmpt DRAW: If the drawing of itemboxes or other solid objects is enabled,the routes of movable itemboxes or other solid objects are drawn too.
- Two new keywords for option --patch-bmg defined:
- CT-FORCE-COPY: Copy all standard track and arena name messages to MID 4000..4029 and overwrite existing strings.
- RM-CUPS: Remove racing cup names (MID 23f0..23f7) from BMG.
- New keyword for option --msg=list: CTTRACKS enables the messages for the CT-CODE track names (MID 4000..40ff).
 - New option wctct --write-tracks=file : Create a machine readable file reflecting the track distribution to the cups. --wtracks is a short cut.
- New option wctct --order-by=bmg : Load the BMG file and filter track names. Then order the tracks in the cups by the alphabetic order of the BMG messages. The tracks and its slots are notmodified.
- New option wctct --order-all : Option --order-by will order all tracks.
- New command wctct PATCH : Read each source file, find and scan the CT-CODE part and patch it.
- New command wctct TRACKS: Create a track listing.

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