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Checkpoint v3.0.0

3DS, 3DS: Update ,

BernardoGiordano hat seinen Speicherstand-Manager für den 3DS aktualisiert.


Speicherstände, die größer als 1 Megabyte sind, wurden vorher nicht richtig gesichert – es wird empfohlen, betroffene Spielstände erneut zu sichern (nur wenige Spiele nutzen so große Speicherstände). Auch wurde das Sichern und Wiederherstellen von Extdaten behoben und DS-Flashkarten verursachen keine Probleme mehr, wenn sie eingesteckt sind. Durch Caching wurden außerdem die Ladezeiten um die Hälfte reduziert – nur wenn ein Titel oder eine Cartridge installiert/entfernt wird, wird der Cache neu gebaut.

Ferner wurde auch eine nützliche Fortschrittsleiste hinzugefügt und Backups lassen sich mit "X" löschen. Neben einigen weiteren Kleinigkeiten und Bugfixes wurde zudem ein Absturz behoben, welcher bei mehr als 100 installierten Titeln auftrat.


* Fixed: Severe bug where backups bigger than 0x100000 bytes were corrupted when stored to the SD Card.
* * Luckily, most of the games use savefiles that are smaller than that, but I'm really sorry for anyone who lost their progresses in game due to this problem.
* * You're strongly suggested to delete all the backups that may have fallen into this problem and make new backups with this build.
* Fixed: Extdata backup and restore now finally works.
* Fixed: Flashcards don't cause issues anymore if inserted when Checkpoint is running.
* Fixed: Loading time is now reduced by 50% due to caching.
* * Checkpoint will create a local cache to load faster. The cache is rebuilt when you install a title/delete a title/remove a cartirdge/insert a cartridge. To understand what's going on, you can see the mechanism here.
* Added: Progress bar. In this way, you can see the progress for every file that you're backing up or restoring.
* Added: Ability to delete backups. While you entered a title, press X to delete an entry.
* Fixed: Now Checkpoint doesn't crash anymore when you have more than 100 titles installed on your device.
* Added: custom splash logo (thanks FrozenFire).
* Fixed: backup folders now use ISO 8601 for date format. In this way, it will be easier to track your saves from the most recent to the last.
* Added: now interface displays product code for a title. This lets you know which region is the game you're dealing with, in case you have games for multiple regions installed at the same time.
* Fixed: From now, backup list is refreshed every time you do a backup for all the titles sharing the same title id.
* * This means you'll finally be able to export a save from a cartridge and import it into a digital copy in the same Checkpoint session.
* Added: Ask for confirmation when backupping or restoring a save.
* Further improvements to overall Checkpoint stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.

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