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DBI 576

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,


DBI ist (nicht nur) ein klasse NSP-Installer, der NSP, NSZ, XCIs und XCZs von der SD-Karte, per USB oder FTP von einem PC oder von einem angeschlossenen USB-Massenspeichergerät installieren kann.

Neben einem Bugfix bei der Speicherzuweisung wurde ein visueller Glitch im DBi-Backend behoben. Zudem wurden für das SSH-Protokoll (SFTP) RSA-Key-Support und Passwörter implementiert.

* Fixed a memory allocation bug for buffers ("Extra buffers exceeded"): This addresses a memory management issue where the maximum number of buffers was exceeded.
* Fixed a visual glitch on the dbibackend standby screen: This presumably refers to a rectification of a visual defect present on the standby screen of the dbibackend system or application (#224)
* Implemented secure password and certificate support for SSH File Transfer Protocol (with keys '/switch/.ssh/id_rsa' and '/switch/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'): This denotes a security improvement where SSH authentication using passwords and certificates has been supported.
* Updated libnx implementation: This signifies that the implementation of libnx (a library often used in the context of Nintendo Switch homebrew development) has been updated.
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