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Goldleaf v0.7.3

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch: Update ,

Die "Key Mismatch" Fehler bei neuen System-Updates sollten nicht mehr auftreten, da Goldleaf jetzt die unterstützte Schlüsselgenerierung vom BOOT0 liest. Auch wurde die System-Update-Erkennung behoben.

* Now the console's supported key generation is read from BOOT0 (it was hardcoded manually before) - this means that Goldleaf won't have to be updated in new console updates to fix key mismatch errors! Thus, 9.0.1 support was also fixed.

* Goldleaf's updater is broken on 0.7.2 (and probably lower versions). PLEASE, DON'T USE IT TO UPDATE TO 0.7.3!. Luckily, it is fixed for this version, so next versions (0.7.x, 0.8...) should download fine when they get released soon.
* Pending update detection was barely broken, but has been fixed too. As mentioned in previous releases, you can export it to install it safely with ChoiDujourNX, and delete it from system after that.
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